Be Obedient( Exodus 1)

Thursday, January 8, 2015
When we are showing obedience and the whole time that we do, we need to show our obedience towards the one true God( however you need to show obedience towards parents). The entire time that I was reading Exodus especially the first chapter, I would pretty much have to reread the chapters to see a common theme in all the chapters.
One of the things that strikes me about Exodus 1:17 was that the midwives would chose to obey God and fear Him instead of the Pharaoh when it comes time to sacrificing the Hebrew boys. For me, that verse meant that the midwives was able to save the Hebrew boys without killing them.

Hebrews 1:20-21- this verse was one of those that stuck out when I was reading this because it gave a sense of what God rewarded the ladies when they save the Hebrew boys. God was so kind to them that they were able to give the midwives their own families.

The whole entire purpose of the chapter and subsequent chapters was that we need to show obedience towards God. There are some points that I saw in chapters 2-4 of the book and they all have the theme of obedience.

However, in the other chapters, we saw Moses going through dark times such as
~killing someone(Exodus 2)
~disobeying God(Exodus 4)

But, God was able to show kindness and forgiveness towards Moses even though He was planning on killing Moses for showing disobedience towards God.

At the end of the day, we need to show obedience towards the one thing that matters,



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