How Are We Connected to Parables? (Matthew 13)

Friday, March 20, 2015
When I was a little girl, I would watch this show that used to come on called The Adventures of the Book of Virtues. There was a book that my teacher would read us one story at a time. These stories would be filled with what is happening in each story and what we need to learn from each one. Well, Matthew 13 is one of a few bible passages that would entail us to learn something from each story or parable.

What is a parable? Well, it is a story that simply is used to illustrate a spiritual meaning in us. Matthew 13 shows us what each parable meant to us in terms of knowledge. Reading this passage gave me three insights that I got from the six parables in the story.

The first insight: Just like farmers, we are able to receive God's words in our hearts and let it grow.
Matthew 13:1-23
 This parable illustrates to us what being a farmer meant when it comes to Jesus. We would receive it and keep it in our hearts. But, can we still have it in our hearts. The evil path would end up with you not receiving it and disappear quickly. The rocky and thorny paths are well you would end up receiving it, but it would disappear quickly as soon as possible when you would get it. However, when you would use the good path, we are able to hear it and we would be able to multiply it towards others. The lesson that we learned was that using our good soil, we are able to receive it and grow from others.

The second insight: There can be weeds inside our farms that can be grown.
Matthew 13:24-30; 13:36-43
Farms have a great harvest and then there are some weeds that would be grown on the fields. Our lives would be much the same with the fact that we would have weeds in our lives that Satan would sown into us. However, the farmer or Jesus wanted us to grab them in a bundle and burned them. That brought us to the word of the day which means repentance. The explanation of the parable is basically that the farmer wanted to see if most of them would turn to wheat and if most didn't, then the weeds would be brought out in a bundle and burned. Same with us, we need to turn over a new life and throw the weeds of our life away and burned it.

The third insight: Just like seeds, we are growing in God's kingdom.
Matthew 13: 31-35
The parable of the mustard seed is like our lives that would be made. We all know that God is growing in our lives and also that we would reach His full potential. In verse 32, the seeds that are made and grown are used to show us that this is how the kingdom of God was growing in life. This parable is showing us that the kingdom is growing as well.

Farmers would often sow their seeds in the fields to create wonderful harvests, just like humans that would do the same when they would get the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The parables of the farmers and the weeds and the seeds are examples of how we would reach Jesus Christ in our hearts.

Have a good day and a great time!!!

Follow His Commands (Exodus 20)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Well, when I read Exodus 20 and the chapters before that. I know what I have to accomplish and also that when I decided that who I am is who I am. However, I am a child of God and that is what makes me complete.

Having a relationship with God would provide that we need to obey His commands and that would be the Ten Commandments. However, we also need to be aware that we do not change anything to make it seem that what we did was OK and it was not.

1. God Is Not a Word to Use In Vain

Admit, even you have a sense to say God's word in vain when you would stub your toe or went through a devastating loss. I even admit doing that as well. However, I learned that using God's name in vain is a big no-no in being a Christian unless you are praising Him such as "Thank God"  to something good, not bad.  Be careful of how you would use God's name.

2. Don't Commit a Crime Against the Other Person.

In the ten commandments, we need to be reminded that what we are about to do would end up making sure that the crimes that we are committing are forbidden. When I was at church, I was reminded that murder does not mean just killing the person, it also means using your words to make them feel bad such as telling them you hate them or using gossip to spread to that person. Also, we need to not covet or steal anything. My mom taught me that we need to work hard and also we would earn something if we do work hard For me, that would entail the relationship and where it is actually going.

3. God is There For Us to Honor Him

These commandments are not scary and even if you broke some (I am not encouraging you to break them however) at the end of the day, we need to be aware that God does care for us and that he would be forgiven us of all of our sins. We need to also praise Him and Honor Him without grumbling.

Remember to honor Him without grumbling and also complaining.

Be In Fear of God (Exodus 6-10)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Exodus 6-10 is what I call the climax of the story of Moses was when he approached Pharaoh after talking to God and also what is more focused on the entire time that we look at the bible and realize that there are hidden meanings for the story.

However, I ended up realizing five points that are more focused on the five points of what is going on in the life,
1. God gives us the strength to work with us on our weak areas. 

I would remember that I would work on my weak area of being fearless because of course everything scares me. 

On April 27th, 2011, I was in one of a few counties that got hit hard by the tornadoes and I would be pretty much afraid when the next storm hits. Let's just say that sleeping in the same bed with my mother was a hit for me back then. 

However, when I would hear from church and from reading my bible that the Lord would be there protecting me from the storms and other scary stuff, I am not afraid of things anymore. 

2. God would remember each and every one of us.

In Exodus 6, he reminded Moses that he remember the covenant that he made and that he would protect the Israelites. I love that God is saying that he would remember each and every one of us and also what we would need to be protected through the good and bad times. 

3. There would be times that we would give up on God

It would come to no shock that when Pharaoh first said no to the Israelites in Chapter 5 and they would tell Moses that they gave up. However, we should never give up and that we need to find  a way to remember that God is there for us always. 

4. Sometimes even the most difficult people can repent to God. 

Pharaoh was tired from his men being hit by the plagues that God was issuing when he would not let the Israelites go. However, during Exodus 10:17, he mentioned...
"Forgive my sin, just this once, and plead with the Lord your God to take away this death from me."
                                                              Exodus 10:17 NIV

The way Pharaoh was saying that he wants God to forgive his sins meant that he knows what God is saying through these plagues that were attacking the Egyptians. However, sidenote, he still would not let them go.

5. This is a stepping stone as to what is to come soon. 

Everyone knows Exodus and also knows the story of Moses knew that these chapters are what's to come later. I love that God is showing us how he is also using Moses and Aaron for what they could do which is to talk to Pharaoh and plead with him to let their people go. 

That is what I learned from this week and I would start to write daily devotions based on what I written.

Love everyone and have a happy day. 

Be Obedient( Exodus 1)

Thursday, January 8, 2015
When we are showing obedience and the whole time that we do, we need to show our obedience towards the one true God( however you need to show obedience towards parents). The entire time that I was reading Exodus especially the first chapter, I would pretty much have to reread the chapters to see a common theme in all the chapters.
One of the things that strikes me about Exodus 1:17 was that the midwives would chose to obey God and fear Him instead of the Pharaoh when it comes time to sacrificing the Hebrew boys. For me, that verse meant that the midwives was able to save the Hebrew boys without killing them.

Hebrews 1:20-21- this verse was one of those that stuck out when I was reading this because it gave a sense of what God rewarded the ladies when they save the Hebrew boys. God was so kind to them that they were able to give the midwives their own families.

The whole entire purpose of the chapter and subsequent chapters was that we need to show obedience towards God. There are some points that I saw in chapters 2-4 of the book and they all have the theme of obedience.

However, in the other chapters, we saw Moses going through dark times such as
~killing someone(Exodus 2)
~disobeying God(Exodus 4)

But, God was able to show kindness and forgiveness towards Moses even though He was planning on killing Moses for showing disobedience towards God.

At the end of the day, we need to show obedience towards the one thing that matters,


New Year's Word of 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015
Well, I was originally going to choose WordPress for my blogging platform but I cannot leave my Blogger roots. So, I have never thought that I would write a post on my birthday. I have never thought of the word for this year but there is one word that really enchants me to become who I am today.

Click Here
2014 was pretty much the year that I was chicken and afraid of what is happening. Now, the start of 2015 is that I would be fearless and also that I need to be aware that God is going to protect me no matter what. I would be able to blog tomorrow about what is going on and also finally...Happy Birthday to Me!!!! I am 25 years old and well, I am about ready to see what this year has in store for me.

Thanks and God Bless

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